Tuesday, March 31, 2015

27. Glow

12x16 oil on canvas board

I painted this on canvas that I mounted onto board.  It was a very nice surface to paint on!  I was really looking at the composition on this one, trying to control the eye as it moves through the painting.  Then I was working to get the idea of the light emanating from behind the tree.  It really does seem to glow!

Monday, March 30, 2015

26. Morning Glow


12x7 oil on canvas board

I like the way the format changes the composition and the emphasis of the painting.  My eye lingers in the shadow more in this format.  Compare this painting to 23 - same subject, bu a different composition.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

25. The Moon, in all it's Splendor


16x16, oil on canvas

This is a bit larger than most of the paintings that I have been working on lately:  16" x 16" and is on stretched canvas rather than canvas board.  The canvas is very fine.  I really worked in the composition on this one, and tried to keep it loose.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

24. Stand of Trees

12x12 oil on canvas board

I realize now that this composition is a lot like the one that I did yesterday.....I was interested in painting trees.  

Monday, March 23, 2015

23. Afternoon Light

12"x12" oil on canvas board

I decided that I would paint whatever I wanted to paint today - not worrying about upcoming shows, or what I need to get ready for a gallery, or whatever...  So I just painted today for me, and it was great!


Sunday, March 22, 2015

22. Spring Morning

Selected to be in " The Colors of Spring" at the Crystal Moll Gallery
April 8 through May 29

11x14 oil on canvas board

The light in the early morning in Spring seems a little weaker, a little cooler than summer light...

Saturday, March 21, 2015

21. Evening Wanderings

8x8, oil on canvas board

Another in my Maine meadow series!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

20. Sunset on the Marsh

8x10,  oil on board

It feels nice to paint a landscape after so many gardens!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

19. Poppies

8x8 oil on canvas board

Another artist, Jill Carver,  once said that your ability to create what you envision will never converge - that they are two curving paths moving through time getting closer together, but never merging.  The longer that I paint, the more that I believe that to be true.  The better that I paint, the higher my expectations...nevertheless, some days, I know that I am getting closer!  That is how I felt when I painted this one.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

18. Spring Meadow, Maine

Selected to be in " The Colors of Spring" at the Crystal Moll Gallery
April 8 through May 29

12x12, oil on canvas board

I am much more comfortable with this color palette - the past few paintings have been much more saturated than what I normally paint.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

17. Tulip Dance

9x12 oil on board

I was trying to convey the sense of movement in the garden and the light filtering through the limey early Spring leaves.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

16. Red Tulips

8x8 oil on canvas board

I actually worked on this painting over the course of several days  - getting the sense of light on a Spring morning.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

15. Spring Fling

7x12  oil on canvas mounted on board

This is more colorful than most of my paintings - but, after all, it is in a series "Color of Spring"! 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

14. At the River's Edge

8x10 oil on canvas panel

This is based on a really bad photo - which now bears only a slight resemblance to this painting!  I was interested in pushing the value, and of course, making an interesting painting...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

13. At the Garden's Edge

9x12, oil on canvas board

This was a lot of fun to paint!  I am wondering if I should concentrate on painting gardens at the plein-aire events that I participating in this Spring!

Monday, March 9, 2015

12. Tulips in the Garden

12" x 7" oil on panel

I keep working to be looser and to push the contrast.  I am happy with this one!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

11. Pink Sky

6x6 oil on canvas panel

I re-painted this painted the other day - learning that I need to give myself a few days before I post a painting!  I was going to make one little change, and before I knew it, I had re-painted the entire painting.  Much better now!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

10. Gold Around the Bend

I have been painting daily for about a year now.  One of the things that I have learned is that I should live with a painting for a few days before I post it.  So I need to get ahead, in a sense, so that I have time to make adjustments, if necessary, before I post.  That is definitely the case with this painting!  I totally changed the direction of the light - and it works much before adding drama and structure to the painting.  (Refer to post #2 for the earlier version)